Children Dentistry
The Little Ones
Looking after kids teeth is very imporant and and good dental hygiene should be enouraged from a young age. Ensuring your children have the most health teeth and gums possible before their adult teeth come through will help them fight decay throughout their adult life!
We offer dental care for all ages, starting from when your little ones get their first teeth. The Australian Dental Association recommends regular dental check ups from a child’s first birthday, and we would say a dental check up is an absolute must before they start school.
Come in for a quick check or if you are worried about anything going on in your children’s mouth, come in and speak to one of our friendly dentists who can help ease your concerns.
New Patients
Emergency Dental Care
Children Dentistry
Dental Crowns & Bridges
Dental Fillings & Restorations
Dental Implants
Dental Veneers
Dentures & Plates
Mouthguards & Nightguards
Preventative Dentistry
Root Canal Therapy
Teeth Whitening
Get in Touch
Open Hours
Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm